President Deval Patrick?

November, 2018 One October morning in 1966 I walked out to Beacon Street in Brookline where I would wait for the streetcar I took every morning to my job in Boston’s Back Bay. I am grumpy in the morning and I was not happy to see a guy greeting everyone who came to the stop,…

There oughtta (NOT) be a law!

April 2018 About 60 years ago, there was a program on TV (black and white only) called “You Asked for it.” They did a lot of whacky things on that show, but the one I remember was their offering someone $1,000 if they could walk the streets of New York for an hour without breaking…

They’re coming for your Medicare!

March, 2018 Complaining about the government is a long-time tradition in the United States. And a good one. Like all large organizations, government organizations are inherently unmanageable. They will inevitably become bloated and inefficient without the constant vigilance of the citizens they are supposed to serve. But, for all its faults and inefficiencies, a complex…