We need to stop warring

November 2018 Nothing we humans do is more foolish than killing each other, especially in wars. Yet we spend vast amounts of time and money preparing for wars, even when they never happen. Nowhere is this more obvious than South America. During the last 100 years, Wikipedia lists three small wars over land between Ecuador…

My unit trains for riot control

March 2018 As I watched the news coverage of the veterans marching in the St Patrick’s Day parade in South Boston, my thoughts went back 50 years, when I was in uniform at the (South) Boston Army Base (now a “Design Center”), teaching a class on riot control to a group of my fellow enlisted…

“What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?”

September, 2017   In 1966, as Vietnam was ramping up, this WWII comedy was a hit in theaters. I thought it raised a good question. Most people (nine out of ten) who serve in the military are doing the kind of work that is common in civilian life. Unless they happen to be close to…